Category Archives: Meta

New Site

I recently changed my hosting to A2, and I took the opportunity to make some changes to As usual, I bit off more than I can chew, and a number of things still need to be fixed. The problems I know about include:

  •  Site doesn’t work in Internet Explorer. What a surprise. I’ll fix it, but you should upgrade to a better browser.
  • Some posts have strange formatting. Some of the special characters got garbled during the move. I fixed most of the front page, but some of the older posts are still messed up.
  • I haven’t finished editing the new theme. I’m using a slightly modified version of Grid Focus by Derek Punsalan. I like the theme, but I still need to tweak the column widths and fix the header. 

If something else seems massively broken, let me know. The points above will improve as I get to them. 

Excuse the Dust

I tried to upgrade to the latest version of WordPress today, but things didn’t go quite as planned. I didn’t lose any content, but I had trouble getting the theme to work. I will try to fix it soon, but things may be in disarray for a while. 

Update: I seem to have gotten things back to normal. There are still a few quirks — the flickr photos only work at the bottom of the sidebar, but everything else seems to work normally. Maybe I’ll actually post something new soon… 

Blog Update

I’ve spent way too much time working on this blog instead of grading, but I have made some improvements. I got asides working (using this thread from the K2 forum), and they are now displayed without a title. My intent is to use them to post regular links to things I find interesting.

After some consideration, I also imported the posts and comments from my old blog. The process was really easy, and everything came through smoothly. I’m still in the process of adding titles and categories to the older posts, and I’ve deleted some of the shorter posts that are no longer relevant.

I also think I got the archive working, though I’m not sure I like K2’s archive format. It probably requires a fairly modern browser (i.e. Firefox or Safari), and the Folksonomy section and tag cloud are largely useless until I add tags to my old posts. In any case, it will do for now.


Another year, another blog. I’ve always wanted my own domain to mess around with, and I received the funds to purchase a year of Dreamhost hosting for the holidays. There are many things I would like to try with this space, and I hope that at least some of them will come to pass.

At the moment I am using the default k2 theme, which I may or may not change as time goes on. The geek in me wants to design a theme from the ground up, but the part of me that has to worry about such things as graduating thinks that might not be such a good idea. I do want to get asides working à la Kottke so that I can post quick links more easily.