The Dark Knight at the Mall

I went to the Mall of America yesterday. Usually I’m not a fan of the place, but I enjoyed myself this time. Part of the excitment was riding the new light rail line to get there. It’s kind of a long walk to get to the nearest stop from my dorm, but it was worh it. I’m a sucker for mass transit, and this didn’t disappoint. There’s something about a train car occupied by so many different kinds of people that always makes me feel more connected to a city. Next weekend I think I’ll take the train the other way and explore downtown.

I saw Batman Begins at the movie theatre in the mall. I enjoyed it quite a bit, though I’m not sure it transcended the summer action flick genre. I also admit that I’m not a Batman expert, so I may have missed some of the references, and I certainly missed whatever liberties the movie took with the mythology. I watched the animated series when I was younger, but I’ve never seen the other live action stuff. In any case, I’d recommend seeing this film. It may not make you smarter, but it’s certainly a fun ride.

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