I saw a production of Midsummer Night’s Dream yesterday at the Cornell Plantations. It was put on by the Durham Shakespeare Company from Durham University in Durham, England. The plantations are a pain to get to, but the production was good, and MSD is an excellent play to see outside.
Category Archives: Cornell
The colloquium speaker this week was Tom Leighton, an applied math professor from MIT who founded Akamai in the late 90s. Akamai now serves something like 20% of the web’s traffic and is worth on the order of $5 billion. The neat thing was that Leighton works in the Theory group at MIT. People often say that theoretical computer science is of no use in the real world, but Akamai’s techniques (based on consistent hashing, among other things) have certainly made a difference!
Courses and Such
I’ve spent most of the week being oriented and trained, and I’m finally ready to start real work. I’m still waiting for a grad student to return from Yahoo before getting too involved in my research, but at least classes have started. My probable course schedule is
- Analysis of Algorithms (with Dexter Kozen)
- The Structure of Information Networks (with Jon Kleinberg)
Advanced Programming Languages looks really good as well, but I think it’s going to have to wait until next year.
Events of note in the next 8 days
- Thursday: Internet hookup (finally!)
- Friday: Get CS Account and keys
- Saturday: President gives opening convo
- Sunday: General orientation
- Monday: CS orientation
- Thursday: Classes begin
I am looking forward to getting out of the house.
Housing (I hope)
It’s taken a long time to secure housing in Ithaca, but I think the snags are finally worked out. I will be renting a house downtown with Drew, Nora, and Steve (all Carleton grads). I leave Omaha a week from Monday. (Photo courtesy of Drew).