Wow. The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra performed on campus this evening, and it was absolutely mind blowing. Not only is the SPCO really good on its own, but the guest conductor (who also played violin on a piece) was the former concermaster and assistant conductor of the Boston Philharmonic, and the solo violinst was Sarah Chang, who was really incredible.
The started with a Mozart symphony (k. 319, if anyone cares). I’m not usually the biggest fan of Mozart, but I find that I like his work infinitely better live, and this was definitely an excellent rendition. The precision of the orchestra was amazing, and the sections truly sounded like one instrument at times.
Following that several of the players (including the guest conductor) played a Mendelssohn Octet. It’s always fascinating to see really great players peform chamber music – you can literally see the performers communicating with each other. At one point the young second violinist looked over at the (old) conductor/first violinist and just smilled, as if to say that he was just really excited to play with such an great experienced musician. The old violinist, for his part, kept looking at his music with a sort of quizzical look on his face (He looked sort of like a turtle) while playing magnificently. It was awesome.
After an intermission, Sarah Chang came out and played the Dvorak Violion Concerto (in A Minor). To say that it was impressive would be something of an understatement. She obviously has an incredible technical mastery of the violin, and she knows it, so she plays with the sort of confidence that you only really see in virtuosos. And it worked, I don’t think she missed a note, and the audience was riveted the entire time.
So anyway, it was an amazing concert, and I’m really glad I got to go. Unfortunately Northfield doesn’t exactly draw a lot of world class performances, but this was definitely one of them.